Multiple Top Level Pages

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    I am using WP as a CMS so, I have multiple top level pages with subpages beneath them.

    Problem is I cannot find away to configure more than 1 "page" with it subpages…the other options are cateogries and archives and the bloggy stuff I dont need.

    I figure I am overlooking something simple…that for the life of me I cant find.

    Thanks in advance
    E. Stahl


    Hi Eric.

    I’m right now playing around with the menu (which I thank the programmers for a lot!! you guys did a nice job) but still haven’t figured out how to get multiple parent ‘pages’.. because right now i would love to, but can’t really use this plugin <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />. If somebody could help us out.. that’d be great!


    He Eric,

    I just foun out the solution to our problem and I just came back to share it.. it worked perfectly for me:

    The first thing you need to preview your WordPress and look in the sourcecode for
    [code:1hwmatzp]<!– Multi-level Navigational Plugin by PixoPoint Web Development ... –> [/code:1hwmatzp]
    Below this code, you will see your menu in normal HTML. Copy it starting from <div id =pixo….etc.. until </div>. Save the code in a textfile, you’ll gonna need it in a minute.

    The next thing you need to do if you want to manage your menu’s (instead of WP automaticaly doing it for you) is remove this code in your header:

    [code:1hwmatzp]<?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>[/code:1hwmatzp]

    This will remove the automated menu, which we both don’t like because we are using WP as a CMS and we want our Pages next to each other in the menu.

    Now we are going to add the code that we copied at the beginning, in our sourcecode.. and if you know a little bit of HTML you can figure out how to add new non-automated menuoptions for yourself.
    Hope this helps you.

    Kind regards from the Netherlands.


    I think you guys have misunderstood how the plugin works (or I’ve misunderstood what you are wanting to do).

    Have you taken a look at the settings page for the plugin in your admin panel? For the Multi-level Navigation plugin there is an option to display the pages horizontally and you can turn off all the other options. For the PixoPoint menu plugin you just need to drag and drop the objects so that only the pages one is in the main menu area, then use the pulldown button to display the options for the pages and turn off the "single dropdown" checkbox to display the menu items horizontally.

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