Can MLM be used outside of WordPress

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    Please excuse me if I don;t explain myself correctly here, but I am not an html/css expert at all. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I have successfully integrated MLM into my WordPress site, but there is one part of my site that isn’t WP driven, but I would like to style that page to match my WP style with MLM.

    So is it possible to use the CSS code generated for MLM in a non-WordPress page?

    My site is and it is the Proofing page that is not displaying properly under Firefox, but is under IE for some reason.

    Thanks, in advance, for any guidance you can provide.



    The following should do the trick:
    if (function_exists(‘pixopoint-menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();}

    The path to wp-load.php needs to point to the wp-load.php file in the WordPress root. You can also use wp-blog-header.php if you want some extra functionality from WordPress which isn’t available from wp-load.php alone.


    Thank you Ryan for suggesting this.  I tried using that code, but it doesn’t appear to do anything.  Perhaps I don;t understand where exactly it should be placed and what it does.  I modified the path to point to my blog root as you suggested.

    I am trying to get this to work on this page specifically:

    I placed that code snippet inside the body tags… is that correct?  Does this code generate the menus or just the css code?  I’m confused, sorry.


    You definitely don’t want to place it inside the BODY of anything. The wp-load.php call must come before anything else. All you need is the script I posted above and the menus HTML will appear. Then you can work the HTML you require around the if (function_exists(‘pixopoint-menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();}  code.

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