Donation page?

Forums Forums Menus Donation page?

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    Two things,
    1. This new version is incredible, thank you again, Do you have a donate page?

    2. The Custom menu option for Item 1 is great! is there a way to make the custom menu the last one used? for example number 6? If not can I suggest it for a later version.

    Please let me know if it is possible, of if it would be coming soon? Maybe give me a estimate if this is a feature you would charge for?

    Thanks again..


    No, I don’t have a donate page, although I will definitely be adding one now. I do my best to make plugins which people find useful and am honored that you would consider donating money to me <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> In the mean time, you can PayPal money to

    To be honest I can’t remember what features I’ve included in the latest beta version of the plugin, but I’ll take a look later tonight and let you know then.

    I’ll email details for costs for a custom menu. With a custom coded menu you can have pretty much whatever you want in your dropdowns.

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